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What is a Spiritualist?

When you hear the word “spiritualist” or “spiritualism”, what comes to your mind immediately? Maybe you are thinking of a specific religion such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and other religions of the world. However, in general, spiritualism does not focus to any specific religion. Instead, it is about the belief that there is a life after death, that each one of us has spirits. This belief is taught in almost all religions, but they have their own way of teaching it to their disciples and followers. The Christians, for example, have a different way of explaining a life after death, as compared to the explanation of the Hindus or the Buddhist. But generally, the thought that there is an afterlife is the same among the different religions of the world even if they have different explanations for it.

A person with a strong belief with the spirits is known as the spiritualist, a spiritual psychic, or a spiritual medium. These three terms are referring to the same meaning. The spiritual psychic can serve as the bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world. In other words, he or she has the capability to connect and communicate with the spirits. He or she may possess other psychic abilities as well such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and other abilities, but his or her approach to psychic reading is different because he or she does not solely use his or her intuition. The spiritual psychic also asks for the guidance of the spirits when he or she is doing a psychic reading session. That way, he or she will be guided by the spirits.

A spiritualist believes that each living individual has his or her own purpose in living, that each person has a specific goal or mission in life. This is belief is indeed true. Each person is born with a mission or an assignment to do. Only that, we are not fully aware of the missions that were assigned to us. Most religious leaders also believe that each one of us is born with a goal or a mission in life. Thus, these spiritual leaders are trying to help their subordinates to understand what that mission is. Spiritualists believe that all of your action and decisions have a deep reason. They believe that there is no such thing as mistake or accident decision of actions. According to them, there is always a reason why you made that wrong decision.

Spiritualists are also psychic readers. But somehow, they have stronger powers than the other kinds of psychic readers because they have their own spirit guide. Their ability to see the future is stronger, and their ability to read a person is more powerful as well. They are more religious than other psychics, and they have their own beliefs as well. Some psychics are really religious but the devotion of a spiritualist to his or her religion is different. They may be Christians, or Hindus, or Islam, or Buddhist, but their belief to their Creator and to the spirits are stronger than the ordinary psychic readers.


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