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Psychic Mediums

The terms "mediums psychics" or "medium psychics" stand for "psychic mediums". A medium is a channel of communication between two entities. So, medium psychics are also called psychic channels or just channels.

It should be noted that all (psychic) mediums are psychics, but not all psychics are mediums. Psychic mediumship requires a certain predisposition or a propensity that not all the psychics are generally blessed with.

Medium psychics go into a transcendental state called trance. It is a sleep-like state. There is, however, is a fundamental difference between sleep and trance. While a sleep is a physical state, a trance is a spiritual state. 

When we sleep, our mind or spirit generally also goes to sleep along with our body, ie, it stops working, becomes inactive. It probably because our spirit remains attached to the body.

But, this is not so in trance. While our body becomes almost inactive, the sprit or soul becomes more active primarily because it gets a little detached, liberated from the body. It can, then, travel to the world of spirits, angels or other divine or spiritual entities and communicate with them freely.

The reason why it can do so is that only a spirit can communicate with the spirits. It is difficult for a body (conscious person) to communicate with the spirit because of the essential difference in kind and nature between the two.

It is obvious from the above, that the psychic mediums go into trance when they have to deal with questions or problems that can be resolved with the help of spirits or divine entities. This is the reason that most psychic mediums have spirit guides which assist and guide them in issues related to the spiritual world.

This is also the reason that when people seek replies to their questions or solutions to their problems related to spirits, they approach medium psychics.

While a host of human problems have spiritual dimensions, people, generally, approach the psychic mediums with questions about the spirits of the recently dead loved ones.

Most people are deeply distressed when some loved one dies young, suddenly or in unusual and painful circumstances. Such tragic incidents raise a host of questions that take away the peace of mind of the survivors. Some of the personal questions that come up are:

  • Why, of all the people in the world, did our loved one have to die?
  • Why did the loved one deserve the kind of painful death that visited him/her?
  • How did our loved one feel at the time of death?
  • Where is our loved one now?
  • Does our loved one think of us?
  • Is there any message for us from our loved one?

There may also be some common questions:

  • Are there any spirits?
  • Is there any life after death?
  • What is god?
  • Where does one go after death?

There are two types of medium psychics who take up questions about the spirits of the dead people. One, who go into trance, which means they lie down on a couch or a bed and lose the consciousness of their body.

Second, there are psychics who do not go into sleeplike state of trance. They remain awake and conscious of their surroundings. Some of the popular psychic mediums such as John Edward, Sylvia Browne, Allison DuBois and many others like them come within this category.

They offer their readings over public platforms such as TV shows, which are watched by millions of people across the world.

Some members of the audience ask questions about the recently dead loved ones. The replies that the psychic mediums give are then authenticated by the survivors through some personal details that are known only to them.

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